Video Interview — December 2006
Conditions of family farm upon return, going back to school – Yae Yoshihara (OH0041)
The house was fine, but the yard and the farm was a total mess. We spent just days and weeks weeding around the house, around the barn, and out in the field. It was… because Pete, who took care of the farm couldn’t manage all that by himself. We spent a long time pulling weeds, and they were about five feet tall. I mean they were taller than I was. We were on our hands and knees pulling all that weed. Eventually we got the farm going, but there wasn’t a whole lot to salvage because the plants were old and they had to be replanted and all.
I was so happy to be able to go back to Bainbridge High School and be greeted by my childhood classmates. They welcomed us back. Of course there were new people too, but we didn’t encounter any bad situation. We were able to get into the activities and in our schoolwork. ‘Cause that was my dream and prayer — that I would be able to graduate from Bainbridge High School, which I did in 1947.