Help from nurse from Winslow clinic, restart farm – Michi Noritake (OH0011)
We had a nurse that, a couple houses north of us, she was a wonderful nurse at Winslow Clinic, and we became friends. She helped us a lot, by finding someone that, reliable person to come and help us fix the windows or broken doors or whatever that needed fixing, she used to let us have him come and help us, his name was Mr. Leighman, and the nurse was Sally Alderman. And to they were very good about looking after us, she especially was helpful.
And our neighbors were all willing, happy that we came back. That time we came home it was September, and it was, it was dry summer, they said, and on, the strawberries are all wilted. The dirt, the soil was just like sand, just really, oh, it was sad. Everything was wilted, I remember. And we had to start all over again, and I still wonder how did we ever, you know, with Mom and Dad, how did we ever get going, I always wonder. But we did. We had a horse, but I don’t know what happened to the horse. So really, you know, we had to start all over again. And we had this nice field that we cleared, Grandpa cleared and — I always call him “Grandpa” but it’s my dad. [Laughs] And he cleared, and then we had beautiful strawberries. We worked hard on it again, and I sometimes wonder how did we ever get started, get going? But we did.